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Shoot With Us

Many people set out to start their own photography business not realizing that running a photography business involves only about 30% of actual photography, while the other 70% of your time is spent on things like financial accounting, updating your website, meetings with clients, communications, editing albums, processing hard drives, clearing out wedding images, ordering prints, and returning emails, ect. In the photography industry, photographers can be much more successful by outsourcing what they are bad at, which gives them more time to focus on what they’re good at – namely taking pictures.

In the same way, Cinderella Wedding Photography Company is looking for photographers throughout the United States that are interested in focusing their skills on photography – not on running a business. By becoming a Cinderella Photography Wedding Photographer, you’re not only benefit from the high quality of photography branding itself, but also from being able to use our website for your portfolio. Other benefits of becoming a Cinderella Wedding Photographer are:

  • Having name recognition and excellence of the Cinderella Photography brand.
  • Having a separate wedding portfolio that doesn’t clutter your own art or other photography interests on other websites.
  • Search engine optimization for your specific city so that future wedding clients can find you fast.
  • An administrative assistant 5 hours a week that will help you return emails, keep up with your calendar, and project lists.
  • Being able to make more money with your photography skills in the wedding industry while being able to maintain your own, separate, non wedding photography work and portfolio.

Currently, Cinderella Wedding Photography Co. has two different locations throughout the US. One is located in the Chattanooga, Tennessee, (we also cover Atlanta, Nashville, and Knoxville areas too) which where some of the best Southern weddings happen year round. Chattanooga specifically is home to some of the most beautiful scenery in the Southeastern United States, and therefore the many weddings throughout the area are simply gorgeous – usually a photographers dream to shoot.

The other location is in the Texas Panhandle, specifically the Amarillo, Texas area. Amarillo is a vast, wide open place, filled with beautiful sunsets, and gorgeous weddings.

If you interested in becoming a Cinderella Wedding Photography team member, just contact us and let us know.