We had the pleasure of shooting this beautiful wedding for Sarah and Drew on Signal Mountain, right here in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area. The wedding ceremony was situated on the side on Signal Mountain itself, which gave way to a breathtaking view of the valley and the Tennessee river down below. Sarah and Drew might be one of the most laid back couples Cinderella Wedding Photography Company has ever worked with. They were both super genuine and so easy to work with. Their wedding carried themes of a classic Southern country wedding – complete with cowboy boots, horses, and haystacks. We wish the best of luck to Sarah and Drew’s new life together! Thanks so much for choosing Cinderella Wedding Photography here in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and special thanks for Morgan Holland at Soirees for everything.
Outdoor Fall Wedding Photography, Signal Mountain, TN – Sarah+Drew
by Joseph Elliott Schlabs | Nov 1, 2014 | Blog, Weddings