Jonathan and Kacie are good friends of mine, and so when they asked me to shoot their engagements + wedding, I absolutely said yes!

They have known each other for years as friends, hanging out together in the same groups of people. They started dating, and because they had already built an amazing foundation of friendship and respect, their transition into a couple came naturally.

As you can tell from these photos, their session was probably my favorite due to their natural affection for each other coming in through the camera – the way the touched, hugged, and looked at each other was never forced or awkward. In addition to their naturally beautiful body language, they are overall a fantastically fun couple.

They were up for trying a new location for their engagement shoot in June, so we headed down to the Treetop Hideaways in north Georgia, just over the Tennessee line.  It’s a gorgeous, rustic area where they have high-end tree houses available to rent for the night.  Not only is it different than your typical hotel, but it’s also incredibly romantic.

The pictures turned out great, and I can’t wait to capture their upcoming wedding!